
Newtonial's Policy Statements

Journalistic and Editorial Policy

Newtonial expressly seeks to represent the broadest spectrum possible of quality news. We do not take a position on the political or social alignment of a publication, only that it presents quality, fact-based reporting and commentary. The platform is designed to actively promote exploration across the spectrum of news, rewarding readers for both breadth and depth of reading on particular subjects.

Editorial and journalistic integrity is integral to our ability to achieve our mission. Adherence to these foundational values in our content production underpins our ability to connect to local and national audiences with credibility. We cannot educate or entertain effectively, or foster dialogue and engagement, advance the joy of learning nor deliver diverse perspectives, without a commitment to .

All Newtonial employees are subject to the Newtonail's Code of Ethics/Conduct Policy. These guidelines apply specifically to all journalists, producers, editors, photographers, cinematographers, researchers, talent and senior management involved in the creation of editorial or journalistic content across Newtonial's platforms.

Content producers for Newtonial are required always strive to protect the editorial integrity of the content they are making and that they follow the highest ethical conduct in its production.

Where the term “producer” is used we mean to include reporters or other staff persons with day-to-day editorial responsibility for any editorial or journalistic content. Where the term “Executive Producer” is used we mean to include, where appropriate, any senior producer or editorial or journalistic project supervisor. Where the term “program” is used we mean all editorial or journalistic content regardless of platform (to include games, quizzes, documentaries, news segments, television, digital video, social media posts, radio and written content).

Newtonial expects producers we hire and contract with to be interested in honest inquiry into the matter at hand and will approach the making of programs with open minds. Since promotion of truthful, accurate, balanced information is the prime mission of our platform, it should be clear that willful misrepresentation or falsification of  content will be considered unprofessional conduct and will carry the most severe consequences.

In the pursuit of truthful information, the producer must be sensitive to issues of fairness if the content and therefore platform is to have credibility. Truth is an elusive combination of fact and opinion, of reason and experience. We ask for the viewer’s trust. In turn, we promise that the subject matter and the people in the program will be treated fairly.

Specifically, fairness means that producers will: approach stories with an open, skeptical mind and a determination, through extensive research, to acquaint themselves with a wide range of viewpoints; try to keep personal bias and opinion from influencing their pursuit of a story; seek and carefully examine contrary information and views; exercise care in checking the accuracy and credibility of all information they receive; give individuals or entities who are the subject of attack the opportunity to respond to those attacks; represent fairly the words and actions of the people portrayed, and when appropriate seek and reflect their viewpoints even if they have not agreed to be interviewed; try to present the significant facts a viewer would need to understand what he or she is seeing, including appropriate information to frame the content; always be prepared to assist in correcting errors.

All producers must have a fact-checking procedure at the completion of the program: e.g. in long-form content, for instance, this would mean that every line of narration and each image is checked for the accuracy of any factual assertion. All producers must pay attention to the proper spelling of names and titles, correct dates, accurate translation of foreign language material, etc. Producers should be prepared to show and cite their sourcing or sources in a fact-checking document or annotated script. Producers should generally review assertions of fact given by experts, especially if any credible questions arise about their accuracy. If an expert’s assertion calls into question the character or competency of another person or entity or is otherwise possibly defamatory, then the assertion may not be accepted without verification. All factual assertions by nonexpert interviewees should also be checked.

Nothing in the fairness rules should be interpreted as preventing a producer from making point-of-view or authored content. However, such  content must be identified and labeled as such. However, given Newtonial's commitment to balance, we would encourage that alternative points of view content on the same topic be included. When there are conflicting viewpoints or opinions on subjects treated within journalistic or editorial content, fairness does not require that equal time be accorded to conflicting opinions. However, it does require the acknowledgment and responsible statement of those conflicting opinions.

When content is promotional in nature (for example in fundraising prize draws for charitable institutions), the producer of the draw content will work in collaboration with the charitable institution to develop the quiz content. The producer is expected to ensure that the content is accurate in any factual assertion, particularly where the producer is relying on the charitable institution for factual or editorial content. Any promotional material of this sort will be clearly identified as such, and will be presented in a format that clearly indicates it is not journalistic in nature.

Any producer who has a material interest — financial, family, political or other personal stake — in a subject to be covered in her/his content must make that interest known to Newtonial. It is also the producer’s responsibility to monitor any interests of those he or she may hire to carry out the project.

Where the matter under examination may place the producer or other members of her or his team in possession of information that could lead to personal gain, especially in the case of “insider” knowledge of a publicly traded company, acting on that knowledge might be considered illegal and must be avoided.

Content cannot endorse particular political candidates, parties or ballot issues. Coverage of legislation and elections is perfectly appropriate. “Equal time” requirements during election cycles may be applicable.

When working on any politically controversial programs, the producer should engage in no personal political activities, including donations or signing petitions, that would undermine her/his claim to be a trusted producer or editor. Any prior donations must be disclosed to Newtonial. The general test  is whether a producer or Newtonial executive would feel uncomfortable if private beliefs or actions were made public in the context of one’s work for Newtonial.

When working on any content for Newtonial, producers should not lobby for or against any specific piece of legislation, and must never use their relationship with Newtonial to promote or oppose specific pieces of legislation.

If, before creating content, a producer anticipates substantial reliance on the work of others, it is customary to offer credit to them or to credit their work. It may also be equitable to pay the original author as a consultant to the project. Where possible, provide live links to relevant news or other websites upon which you rely as factual or point of view resources for content.

When producing content that relies on interviews, the basic responsibility is not only to avoid manipulating an interview subject but also to avoid subjects manipulating the producing and the content. In certain circumstances, it may be appropriate to advise an interviewee of the scope and purpose of an interview. However, it is not appropriate to permit an interviewee editorial oversight or to allow rehearsed responses.

It is Newtonial's policy not to pay for interviews. However, reimbursement of reasonable expenses is permissible. A consultant or expert may be paid to contribute, but their status as a consultant or expert must be stated.

It should be the objective of the editing process to collect and order all significant facts in a manner that fairly portrays the reality. A content producer must be able to justify an editing cut as consistent and honest given the nature and import of the original materials.

Language and materials offensive to general taste or manners (e.g., extreme violence, racial and other group epithets, strong language, nudity and sexually explicit material) should be avoided where inclusion is not necessary to an understanding of the matter at hand. Where its inclusion is deemed justified, the content must carry appropriate warnings to the viewer or listener.

When an individual is invoked as an authority for a statement of fact, the producer should include in the content any special interests the source might have that would motivate the individual's position or statement.

Producers are free to exercise their editorial judgment as to which sources are best able to present the information the content seeks to deliver. However, we encourage producers to consider diversity in race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, geographic and economic status as a positive value in choosing whom to present.

Given, Newtonial's express mission to help readers understand how to interpret content in news media, if knowing the source of material used in content and/or its date would help a reader or viewer better understand a communication, attribution of the content to the source should be made at the time the material is seen.

Photos used in content should not be altered. Some techniques commonly used with stills are not considered alterations. These include: camera moves, cropping, highlighting a portion of a photo, computer layering, etc.. However, photos must never be altered to present an image that is not supported by the facts. If a viewer could reasonably believe an image created by computer-generated imaging (CGI) is real, then this technique should be avoided.

Producers in all formats should anticipate a legal as well as editorial review of their work. All producers should make themselves aware of the statutory prohibitions against payola (the practice of bribing someone in return for the unofficial promotion of a product in the media) and plugola (the incidental or unofficial promotion of a person or product in the media, sometimes in return for a payment.)

After publication, producers are expected to immediately bring to the attention of the Newtonial executive any errors that the producer becomes aware of and to help in making any necessary corrections.

When using quotes, photos or video from social networks, attribute them, ideally to the name, account or platform where you found the material. Make efforts to vet photos and videos for accuracy and authenticity and take steps to verify the legitimacy of a social account or profile.

Diversity Policy

Newtonial's aim, especially through its Spanr platform, is to create a context of trust with our audiences, as we seek to reduce division and polarisation in society. As such, it is essential that we seek to reflect and uphold diversity, inclusion and equity within our organisation and in the content with we deliver to our audience.

Diversity is the representation of all our varied identities and differences (race, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin and socio-economic status), both collectively and as individuals, in order to proactively engage, understand, and draw on a variety of perspectives.

Equity is the fair treatment, access, opportunity, and advancement for all people, while at the same time striving to identify and eliminate barriers that have prevented the full participation of some groups. Equity refers to the existence of systems, protocols, practices, and policies that allow everyone to be treated fairly within an organization.

Inclusion involves building a culture of belonging by actively inviting the contribution of, embraces differences of, and offers respect in words and actions for all people. Inclusion welcomes the participation of all people, based upon the belief that every person's voice adds value.

We believe that identifying, recognizing, supporting and rewarding the full measure of talent from diverse identities, experiences and perspectives will contribute substantially to the long-term success of our organization, our people, a stable and trustworthy news ecosystem, and society at large.

We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex/gender, disability, age, genetic information, marital status, sexual orientation, and any other characteristic protected by law, and we committed to providing equal employment and advancement opportunities to all individuals by basing all employment decisions on merit, qualifications and abilities.

We are committed to building a diverse workforce to best serve our diverse communities.
We are committed to equity in hiring, treatment, promotion and leadership opportunities for all employees.
We are committed to ensuring an inclusive environment where all employees feel welcomed, respected, supported, fully included in our work, invested in our success, and valued for their talents and specific contributions.

We commit to building a broad recruitment pipeline that will include active outreach to sources of diverse and underrepresented talent for public broadcasting.
We commit to making diversity a priority in promoting personnel to senior management and all critical positions.
We commit to strengthening diversity through a policy of equity, with systems, protocols, practices and policies that allow everyone to be treated fairly within an organization.
We commit to creating a working environment in which every employee feels welcomed, valued, respected and included, ensuring that all of our employees feel they have a stake in our success and the power to help shape that success.
We commit to holding ourselves accountable for these commitments to our board of directors, our staff, our partners, our donors and our investors.

We will regularly review established diversity goals for our workforce, management and boards, make any necessary revisions, and complete and make available an annual report.
Our board will regularly review and codify the diversity goals and any revisions made to them.
We will regularly review and update, as deemed appropriate, our diversity statement with senior management and post it to our website.
We will seek qualified individuals representing diverse groups for internships and work-study programs.
We will seek qualified diverse candidates for appointment to our board of directors.

Environmental Stewardship, Social Responsibility & Governance (ESG) Policy

Newtonial is committed to responsible business practices in the areas of environmental stewardship, social responsibility and governance, ethics and compliance. Our Board of Directors has direct oversight of Newtonial's ESG program. We commit to consider the end-to-end ESG implications of our business, including evaluating any suppliers for their alignment with these aims.

Environmental Stewardship
Newtonial's aims is to develop from inception as a corporation that not only minimises our environmental footprint, but deploy innovative technologies to future-proof and enhance the resilience of our business. Active measures can include responsibly sourced materials, services and technologies that contribute to decreased water and energy usage, lower carbon footprints and enhanced biodiversity that benefit our customers, our employees, our surrounding communities and the environment.

Newtonial's commits to building a challenging, dynamic, inclusive and diverse work environment that supports the professional development of our employees, as well as promoting a good work-life balance that prioritizes their overall health and wellness.

We commit to preserving and promoting the protection of human rights and welfare within our own business activities, as well as those of our supply chain, in accordance with our policies and all governmental policies and laws on modern slavery and human trafficking.

We will support initiatives that benefit the environment, human welfare and education, including skills trainings that advance workforce talent and economic development in the communities in which we operate.

Newtonial commits to promoting strong oversight, transparency and risk management at all levels of our organization, ensuring the resilience and long- term preservation of value for our business, by maintaining strong corporate governance practices through exemplary board stewardship, management accountability, and proactive risk management; maintaining high ethical standards through a strong Code of Ethics and Business Conduct, ongoing ethics training, and executive leadership that promotes a culture of integrity; cultivating strong stakeholder relationships through transparency, open communications, and responding to stakeholder input, and establishing clear and effective governance for ESG, set goals and establish accountability.

We would love to hear from news organisations that would like to get involved, or anyone active in rebuilding trust in news reporting.
Drop us your message and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.
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